Friday 23 June 2017

My Experience with DBS/POSB's new SMS 'Q' system

Last week I have finally decided to get my fat bottom moving and headed over to open a bank account for baby K.

POSB recently has this new queue system which they advertised as one that can save you much waiting time as you can request for a queue number through SMS before heading over to the bank. To quote from them, 'With the DBS SMS “Q” option, you can now join queues at our bank branches remotely without being physically present in line'.

This is the commercial in case you missed it:

Such a brilliant idea right? What could have gone wrong? I mean, this is totally customer-oriented!

So while I was walking over to POSB, i SMSed the number provided and was notified that there was no one in queue for 'account opening'. Instinctively to avoid missing my turn, i then decided to SMS only when i have reached the bank (which was just five minutes later I swear). 

Suddenly I am two numbers away! I guessed there probably were two customers who miraculously decided to open bank accounts within that five minutes of me walking. 

Anyway, the sms stated that it will 'send me a reminder when it was nearing my turn'. So nearing my turn means probably before my actual turn right? Unless we are not speaking the same language. So dumb dumb me went to the store next door to kill some time (yes i know right, not exactly a smart move when there were two persons ahead of me in the queue but hey, there were only two counters serving new accounts and other services).

Then after quite some time my phone rang: 'please proceed to counter xxx now to be served'. 

Eh hello? What happened to 'nearing my turn'?? 

But never mind that, since it is my fault for being so trusting. I walked really fast (like Godspeed compared to my last trimester) only to receive another sms almost immediately: 'you have missed your turn. Please reply "5" for a new queue number.' 


Ji Dan Gao. 

So this time round, i have to wait there patiently for my turn even though once again the sms told me i will be notified when it is 'nearing my turn'.

After eternity, i was served and after a while at the counter, i received the sms again, to proceed to the counter 'now' for my turn.

You think I will fall for it wouldn't you? Ah hah.

It is a good thing that I do not have to go to the bank often, but this 'sms to avoid queuing' system is a flop. Whoever came up with this should either 

1. Review the English used ('nearing'?); or
2. Remind people that skipping the queue just means that there will be no line but you are still required to be physically there in the bank (think McDonalds' crowd at the collection point); or
3. Hara-kiri (joking k, please do not do that)

On another note, i must applaud POSB's staff as they really displayed good customer service. The redeeming factor of my visit that day.

P.S. while i was waiting for my turn (again), this lady came up to me with a tablet and asked if I have used their sms service to get a queue number. I looked at her, smiled (probably not a pretty one given how irritated i was), and said, 'yes, don't get me started on it'. I was hoping she will ask me for feedback but she decided it was better to get out of my way. *shrug*

Have you experienced the new system? Did you encounter the same issues as i did? Let us know by commenting below!

Saturday 10 June 2017

Of Kurma Milk and Carbonara Linguine

Here's Baby K smiling happily at her 12th week!

Made some dates milkshake this morning. Crossing my fingers and hope that it will be a milk booster for me!

LLR - Kurma Milk (Dates Milkshake)
Kurma Milk, also known as Dates Milkshake, is simple, nutritious, and delicious!

There is a lot of hype online for Farm Fresh Kurma Milk, which is said to be a milk booster for many breastfeeding mummies. They are selling for ~SGD7 per 700ml bottle online, and most of them are for bulk purchase. This isn't very ideal for me because i doubt i can finish the drink before they expire.

Dates are now readily available everywhere because of Ramadan, so I just grabbed a box at the supermarket. It is however, too sweet for me to eat them on its own. That's when I decided to make my own dates milkshake.

All you need is a blender, some dates, fresh milk, and water. Just remove the seeds and soak the dates in some water to soften them before blending the dates, water, and fresh milk together.

LLR - Home Made Carbonara Pasta

We didn't manage to make a trip to the wet market so I do not have any fresh ingredients on hand for dinner. Instead, inspired by the new western food stall near my estate, I made some Carbonara Linguine. :)

I thought it will be a little dry but surprisingly the runny egg made the pasta pretty good! *BHB*

Friday 9 June 2017

It's Lactation Cookies Baking Day!

Finally back online after a long hiatus!

Been really busy since the baby was born, and it took a while for me to get used to life as a mum.

My days now are pretty much a fixed routine... Someone asked how is life as a mum? All i can say is, days are like endless cycles that pass by very quickly: Feed the baby, burp the baby, coax the baby, pump milk, and repeat the cycle several times a day. Squeeze in some time in between to bathe the baby,.wash and sterilise bottles, grab a bite, wash her clothes, prepare dinner, and at the end of the day, pray hard that she sleeps early.

Baby K was in a good mood this morning. Gave me a huge grin after she woke up and had her milk *cue hearts in the air*

I wonder why parents will always find their own kids cute; maybe it is nature's way to ensure that the kids survive the harsh environment haha.

LLR - Lactation Cookies: Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips
Lactation Cookies: Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips

Today while Baby K was having her afternoon nap, I decided to make some lactation cookies for myself. Baked three flavours: peanut butter, dark chocolate chip, and cranberries & raisins.

Was quite an accomplishment given how I have procrastinated and delayed baking for weeks!

 I personally love the peanut butter cookies as it blends really well with the cookies. I could still taste a hint of brewer's yeast for the cranberries & raisins flavour so I probably have to refine the recipe further. Can't wait to make other flavours after I finish eating this batch!

LLR - Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette
Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette

Because i was busy baking, dinner was much simpler. I made Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette. :) We bought the spice mix during our Bangkok trip and it has been resting in the pantry since then. Pretty fragrant and packs a punch! Totally recommended if you like spicy food!

Tuesday 14 February 2017

[Newborn Checklist] What goes into a hospital bag for delivery in Singapore?

I must admit before I was pregnant, I have never thought of the fact that i need to prepare a bag full of stuff to bring to the hospital when the baby is due.

When I first realised I was pregnant, there was suddenly this influx of information from everywhere: family, relatives, friends, internet... it is really overwhelming. So one of the things people told me was to prepare a hospital bag by week 32. So now, at week 35, I'm sharing my list with you!

LLR-Luggage full to brim
Image courtesy of USA Intern

This list is adapted from various sources, theasianparent, babycentre, antenatal class information from KK Hospital, and from experienced parents.

In Singapore, delivery usually takes place in hospitals, where most of the necessities are provided from. If you are not planning to deliver in a hospital, this list may not be applicable to you.

Many people recommend packing two separate bags, one for the delivery and the other for the admission thereafter. However, if your spouse is unable to travel to and fro to bring you the bag after delivery, it may make more sense to just bring everything along.

LLR-Newborn Baby Sleeping
Image courtesy of Dailyupdate UK

 For the Delivery

1. Birth Plan: This is the document that communicates to the midwives and doctors what is most important to you and your partner during the birthing process.

I have briefly sounded out my Gynaecologist and she mentioned that some birthing methods popular in western countries are not available in Singapore, but we can provide her with the list during regular checkups and she will advise on what are the things that can be done or can't (not available, or may endanger the baby/ mother). To take a look at my very simple birth plan, check out my following post here.

2. Personal Documents: Bring along your Antenatal Booklet which will contain information about your allergies and other conditions. For admission itself, bring along your identification documents (NRIC or passport/ work pass) and the doctor's inpatient admission authorisation form.

3. Cardigan and socks: It may get cold inside the delivery suite, especially if you need to spend longer than expected in there. Bring an old cardigan and a pair of old socks, as they will probably be stained or soiled in the process. Papa-to-be should pack a set along to fight the cold as well, as you will there for as long as your wife is there.

4. Lip Balm and lotion: Lip balm is apparently an essential for the delivery suite as the lips get chapped and dry from lack of water intake and the environment.

LLR-Newborn Baby Crying
Image courtesy of The Asian Parent

5. Camera, video camera, laptop, handphones, and chargers: Gadgets are a must if the excited papa-to-be and mama-to-be want to capture the first moments of childbirth. Do remember to ensure that they are fully charged for the big moment!

6. Relaxation items: If you think it will help you, bring along some soothing music or your most comforting stuffed animal as it can be a long battle. I have a friend who brought a pillow along!

7. Pen and paper: The conventional and most reliable tool you can use to document every moment down.

8. Underpads: Put these in your bag as they will be useful if your waterbag burst and you need to take a car/ taxi.

LLR-Newborn Baby Balloon
Image courtesy of Floral Garage SG

For Admission and Discharge

1. Toiletries and slippers: Do remember to pack toiletries for both papa and mama if papa is planning to bunk in as well.

2. Clothes: For the mother, bring a set of clothes to wear upon discharge. Remember that you probably still cannot fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes, so do bring along your maternity/ nursing clothes instead. For the father, pack a few sets of clothes for the duration of stay.

3. Nursing bras: If you intend to breastfeed, this will come in handy. I heard that hospitals will typically provide maternity underwear. KKH will also provide a box of cold pads for pain relief. You may want to bring along your own maternity pads and breast pads just in case.

4. Cosmetics: To ensure that you look radiant and good for the visitors and the 1001 photos your spouse may be taking.

LLR-Smiling Swaddled Newborn Baby
Image courtesy of Aden Anais

5. Baby Clothes: For the day of discharge, bring along a set of baby clothes, swaddling blanket, a pair of mittens/ booties, and a cap. The Chinese believe that the baby should wear a set of hand-me-down clothes upon discharge so that he/she will grow up as healthily as the original wearer did. You may want to pack along some baby face towels and baby wipes for the ride home.

6. Newborn Car Seat: If you are driving, remember to install the car seat earlier (and check that it is properly installed!) so that your newborn can have a safe ride home.

That's all you will need for the big day! Do share with us what was in your hospital bag as well!