Friday 9 June 2017

It's Lactation Cookies Baking Day!

Finally back online after a long hiatus!

Been really busy since the baby was born, and it took a while for me to get used to life as a mum.

My days now are pretty much a fixed routine... Someone asked how is life as a mum? All i can say is, days are like endless cycles that pass by very quickly: Feed the baby, burp the baby, coax the baby, pump milk, and repeat the cycle several times a day. Squeeze in some time in between to bathe the baby,.wash and sterilise bottles, grab a bite, wash her clothes, prepare dinner, and at the end of the day, pray hard that she sleeps early.

Baby K was in a good mood this morning. Gave me a huge grin after she woke up and had her milk *cue hearts in the air*

I wonder why parents will always find their own kids cute; maybe it is nature's way to ensure that the kids survive the harsh environment haha.

LLR - Lactation Cookies: Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips
Lactation Cookies: Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips

Today while Baby K was having her afternoon nap, I decided to make some lactation cookies for myself. Baked three flavours: peanut butter, dark chocolate chip, and cranberries & raisins.

Was quite an accomplishment given how I have procrastinated and delayed baking for weeks!

 I personally love the peanut butter cookies as it blends really well with the cookies. I could still taste a hint of brewer's yeast for the cranberries & raisins flavour so I probably have to refine the recipe further. Can't wait to make other flavours after I finish eating this batch!

LLR - Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette
Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette

Because i was busy baking, dinner was much simpler. I made Thai Green Curry Rice with Omelette. :) We bought the spice mix during our Bangkok trip and it has been resting in the pantry since then. Pretty fragrant and packs a punch! Totally recommended if you like spicy food!

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